Waking up early today, I decided to post a new entry because I can't go back to sleep right after my subuh prayer as I felt a slight backpain in my back (oh yes dear, I'm getting older and that could be the reason why). I guess it could be due to my improper way of sleeping last night. I was in real pain for the past few days because my wisdom tooth (gigi bongsu) apparently stops growing. It grows only part of it through the gum bed and there you have it. A real pain. Aigoo aigoo. By the way, I don't have the slightest intention to bore you lovely readers (not that I have many) with my tooth story because this entry is not about tooth.
Today is January 6. The sixth day of 2011. Being a free person (not freemason), I have all the time in the world to read blogs. (Excuse me? You have all the time in the world and the best that you can do is read blogs? How pathetic is that?) Well, you may say whatever and think whatever. But for now, yes, I do read blogs and I think people out there are interesting, while some are weird and quirky. Ok. If it ever occur to you that blogging could be the best way to express yourself, then start blogging. Nothing is wrong with it, though some people think that bloggers are attention-seeking human being bragging about nothing but themselves. I'm totally fine with it.
The green trees and the blue sky. Dear Lord, I'm grateful for the life You have given me. There's many things in the world that I'm grateful for.
1. The trees. Doctors say green is good for the eyes. I am determined (superb vocabulary to indicate keazaman hahaha) to look at as many trees as possible so that they can gradually repair my vision. I'm short-sighted by the way.
2. The rain. I love the smell of the rain. It is my most favorite perfume ever.
3. My family. I can't do without them. I just can't. They are my precious.
4. Good food. Don't waste your food. You don't grow up in a poor country having to suffer hunger. So please do appreciate your food. No leftovers!
5. Five senses of sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch. Alhamdulillah. Kalau ada sixth sense, wah wah wah double Alhamdulillah. Hahaha.
6. The Internet. Are you laughing? I know. Do you know that people add their knowledge by googling and wikipedia-ing? I know you are one of them. Why not? It's one hella good source of info.
7. And to many other things which I can't seem to think of at the moment because my mother is calling for breakfast.
Actually, this new entry is supposed to brag about my new year resolution, about changes, about opportunities, about working hard, about being a good daughter and so many. I stop here and I will continue writing. Have a nice day people.
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