The Blog

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Natural disaster around the globe

Sometimes everyone is so busy with their own life, problems, matters etc. that they couldn't care less about what is hitting people on the other side of the world. I myself used to be one of them too. However, through times, I started to realize that not everyone lives in a country free from landslides, earthquake, floods, tsunami, other natural disaster. Be grateful if you reside in a country free from natural disaster. It is somewhat heartbreaking to watch news in the tv showing kids crying over their loss, women mourning, people lost their home. Home is like everything in our life, it is more than just a place to cover us from  the rain and the sun. While we have a decent life in our homeland, why not at least open our eyes and see. Get to know. Learn to appreciate.

Flooding in Brazil. Areas affected are Teresopolis, Nova Friburgo, Petropolis, Sumidouro etc. Flood caused by continuous heavy rains. Electricity, water supply, phone lines are all affected.

Flooding in Queensland and Victoria of Australia. Flood in Victoria is still on-going. Imagine having to clean a house covered of muds, dirts etc.

 Another flood in Sri Lanka, the land used to be hit by the massive Tsunami back in 2004.

Flood again? Yes flooding in the Philippines since December 2010 until present. Some dies, some homeless. 

 Flooding in South Africa, Mozambique, Namibia, Zimbabwe. Heave rains have led to the widespread flooding. Cars driving through the water. 

(All images are from google)

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