The Blog

Friday, February 11, 2011

Dress for comfort or dress to impress?

I'm quite observant in the sense that I enjoy watching people and how they dress to achieve a desired look. Be it on the street, in the shopping mall or at a wedding reception, our fellow Malaysian sure know how to dress up and be fashionable. I noticed that even girls with hijab have started to become trendy, experimenting fashion and various hijab styles. That being said, a question popped in my mind. I would like to ask you fellow readers, do you dress for comfort (very important) or do you dress to impress? 

Say skinny jeans. I guess it is the it thing in being fashionable. From what I can tell, skinny jeans are very tight and looks uncomfortable. But still, ladies are so in love with it and it is being considered as a must-have item in the wardrobe. Pardon me, I do not have the slightest intention to say anything bad about skinny jeans, I'm only sharing my opinions. Most women always wanted to wear something that will make them stand out from the rest. And so to some people, comfort comes second. Anything that will make them look slimmer, taller, will always do. Right?

Seeing comfort in this kind of super high heels? Please girls, be nice to your ankle. You don't have to hurt yourself. 
(image from google)

Most ladies would prefer skinny jeans because it'll make the legs appear slimmer, longer. Does it feel comfortable in this? I don't know, never wear one.
(image from google)

Oh Lady G. Your fashion sense is soooo out of the box. I have no idea where to start. Nevermind.
(image from google)

I am a strong believer of comfort comes first. Anything that feels comfortable on me, I'll put it on. Nevertheless, I still believe that ladies can be comfortably-fashionable. Simple example, wearing flat ballet will make you look oh-so-sweet. I love seeing ladies in flat shoes. Hehehehe.

Wear a white long maxi with these cutie. Trust me, you will look so so so adorable.
(image from google)

Another thing that comes to my mind when talking about being fashionable is your intention (niat). In Islam, we are encouraged to be modest in everything. Not more, not less. I know we all ladies, always have the temptation to wear fancy clothes, expensive shoes, designer's handbags etc. just to satisfy our fashion needs. But come to think of it, to whom are we dressed to impress? Friends? Men? Don't you think that will eventually makes us too proud of our own self? I used to be very shopaholics. I buy, buy and keep on buying. However, I am gradually trying to keep it low, buy less, and try to be satisfy with whatever I have now. I'm trying to be modest and as simple as I can be, just to ensure that I won't be too proud of myself. I wanna be average. What about you?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Emilia - Big Big World

I'm a big big girl
In a big big world
It's not a big big thing
If you leave me

But i do do feel
That i do do will
Miss you much
Miss you much

Take a break

You know, our brain is weird. It got us thinking weird stuff beyond imagination. And no, I'm not talking about dirty stuff. Don't even go near that. I was driving home from somewhere when suddenly I become so emotional. I don't really know the reason for this irrelevant feeling. At times, I can be so emotional thinking about matters that are important in my life. To the extent that, even the best therapist in the world could not lift up my spirit by uttering some nice uplifting advices.

Are there any scientific evidence to justify what I feel?

If I may ask, do you ever feel the same? Do tell me if you, by any chance, ever feel the same way. When I'm trapped in a moment like this, I started to miss everyone. Family, friends, whoever. Maybe I should head to a fancy restaurant and have a great dinner just to console myself. Sounds like a loser eh? No, I don't think eating alone will make you look like a loser. It's something that is very common in the Europe, people eat alone at the cafe and nobody think it's weird. But here in the country, eating alone outside is always associated to being lonely or a loser. It's the people mentality, hard to change it. Anyway, good day everyone. Take care of yourself.